In this article, we will introduce TuneKeep Audio Converter which can convert protected Apple Music AAC songs to all-purpose M4A files which are the unprotected AAC files. In other words, you can't convert Apple Music songs to M4A with simple file extension change or using AAC encoder of iTunes or Music app. Also, if you use the built-in conversion function of iTunes or Music app by specifying the AAC encoder and create an AAC version of an Apple Music song in your music library, you will encounter a failure as well. If you want to convert Apple Music AAC files to normal AAC/M4A files, changing the *.m4p extension of the downloaded Apple Music M4P files to M4A (*.m4a) won't work. Songs purchased and downloaded from the iTunes Store is are unprotected AAC files and M4A file extension (*.m4a) is used. Posted to Audio Converter Tutorials by Phil Hanks on Febru| Buy Now from $14.95Īpple Music songs downloaded in iTunes or Music app are protected AAC files and M4P file extension (*.m4p) is used.